
Client-side config versioning: If a new cache node C is added to the cache cluster {A,B}, and assuming the cache client uses a consistent hash, when the new cluster config {A,B,C} is published to every client, 1/3 of the data access will encounter a miss.

To upgrade cluster config smoothly, a client needs to access the cache cluster using two configs: read from the new cluster first, if there is a miss, read the old cluster, until data migration is done. During this period, there are two active config {{A,B},ver=1} and {{A,B,C},ver=2}.

And it is also possible that there are more than two active configs.

Thus for the cache client, it has to:

  • Be able to upgrade cluster config on the fly,
  • support a joint config,
  • and be able to retry every config.

A cluster upgrade may looks like this:

  • Initially, every cache-client has config [{{A,B},ver=1}];
  • A new cache node is added, and the new config is published to every client: [{{A,B},ver=1}, {{A,B,C},ver=2}];
  • After a while, config with ver=1 is removed, and another new config is published to every client: [{{A,B,C},ver=2}].